Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet)

In order to translate UNESCO’s ideals into concrete action, UNESCO launched the Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet) in 1953. The UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet) connects more than 12,000 schools in 182 countries around a common goal to build peace in the minds of children and young people. Through concrete actions member schools promote the ideals of UNESCO valuing rights and dignity, gender equality, social progress, freedom, justice and democracy, respect for diversity and international solidarity. The Network operates at international and national levels with three clear priorities: education for sustainable development, global citizenship education and inter-cultural and heritage learning. ASPnet schools are ‘navigators for peace’ and agents for positive change. 

Curaçao has four Associated Schools Project Network (ASPnet):

Kolegio Don Sarto

J.W.Th. Schotborghschool

Emmy Berthold School F.O.

Kolegio San Dominico

Visit UNESCO’s Association School Project Network for more information.